Environmental management and QUALITY management systems SOLUTIONS

We will assist you with
SYSTEMS implementation


About us

We provide organizations (in all business areas, private and public, based in the Czech Republic and abroad) with a comprehensive range of services in the field of environmental management and quality management. In provision of these services we draw on our extensive practical experience and education in the field.


We help organizations to maintain compliance with legal provisions for environmental protection. Our services aim at preventing organizations from incurring financial sanctions for unknowing non-compliance with environmental protection legislation.


We provide organizations with quality management solutions that are beneficial for the organization as a whole, both the management and the employees, and do not impose additional administrative burden on the organization.

The services we provide in the field of environmental and quality management are closely interlinked:



Focus on your business, prevent sanctions and outsource the environmental agenda.

Legal compliance audit

Legal compliance audits aim at assessing your compliance with environmental legislation. Compliance is assessed based on the existing legislation and the different environmental spheres: waste management, protection of the air, water management, and major-accident prevention etc. Audits take place directly at clients’ organizations.

Environmental legislation monitoring

We regularly monitor new developments in environmental legislation. In case of any legal changes affecting our clients, we contact them immediately and propose a solution that ensures compliance with the existing legislation.

ISO 14001

We help organizations to step up their environmental management systems beyond the basic legal requirements by implementing the EMS ISO 14001 management system either separately or as a part of the QMS ISO 9001 management system.

Emergency devices

We can provide you with emergency devices to remove effects of major-accidents.

Environmental documentation

Based on findings of legal compliance audits or at clients’ requests, we produce all the legally required documentation, records and reports for the relevant authorities.


We organize trainings on environmental protection legislation. The trainings provide participants with a good understanding of the legislation that they can later practically employ in their organizations. Participants are also presented with real-life examples of the legally required documentation


We take care of all (or a part of) the environmental management processes and related legal obligations. By outsourcing the environmental agenda of your organization to us, you receive a full-fledged external environmental manager.

"We support your business including your
environmental and corporate social responsibility."



Drawing on our expert knowledge and previous experience, we can arrange implementation
of management systems for clients from small and medium-sized businesses to big corporations.

Implementation/optimization of management systems

(ISO 9001, ISO TS 16949, 5S, ISO 14001) Drawing on our expert knowledge and previous experience, we can arrange implementation of management systems for clients from small and medium-sized businesses to big corporations. In implementation of management systems, we always respect clients’ wishes and requirements. Our aim is not to implement management systems rigidly with unnecessary formalities, but to design and implement systems that benefit our clients’ business and boost its operation and future development.

Optimization and digitization of records and paper-based documentation

We assist our clients with digitization of their operational documentation in order to simplify information sharing throughout their organizations and ensure all time access to the latest information on the processes implemented in their organizations. By optimization, we help our clients to reduce the amount of unnecessary paper-based documentation printed and archived in their organizations.

Optimization and internal audits

(ISO 19 011, VDA 6.3, ISO 14001) We carry out audits for our clients. Internal audits carried out by external auditors do not impose additional tasks on our clients’ employees and are often more beneficial to clients because they eliminate the risk of “operational blindness”. An external auditor can more easily identify non-compliances which are being overlooked by employees.

Implementation of statistical and analytical management tools

(FMEA, 8D Report, Kaizen etc.) Our quality systems management services (mainly for automotive industries) also include trainings on and assistance with implementation of standard statistical methods and reporting on different organizational levels based on our clients’ needs.


We organize trainings on quality management for both the public and the private sectors. The trainings mainly aim at providing participants with practical skills and to this end offer practical demonstrations and solution examples. We do not wish to only present dry facts. The trainings are open to participants from different business spheres. We prefer to hold the trainings directly at clients’ organizations to make them more efficient and tailor-made to our clients’ needs.
We offer trainings on the following topics: ISO 9001, ISO TS 16949, 8D reporting, Kaizen, VDA 6.1 a 6.2, Lean, Six Sigma, 5S, Techniques and principles of internal audits.

Quality management outsourcing

We take care of all (or a part of) the quality management agenda of our clients. By outsourcing quality management of your organization to us, you receive a full-fledged external quality manager. Quality management outsourcing is aimed at clients without suitable personnel at their disposal. Our outsourcing services come with an interesting benefit for our clients – the scope of outsourced services is defined in advance according to clients’ specific needs, which increases cost-effectiveness for our clients.

Operational management using SW tools

We offer process modelling using SW tools of different prices and functionalities. Process modelling is used as a part of management system implementation to deliver simpler and more straightforward presentations of process descriptions compared to paper-based operational documentation. Computer modelling also enables better optimization and development in the future.









As a consultancy company for environmental protection and quality management we are also responsive to our clients’ other needs related to safety at work, fire protection or IS and SW development.

To address a wider range of clients’ needs we have created a network of partner companies we can highly recommend:

MR 3, s.r.o. – safety at work and fire protection services

Marius Pedersen a.s. – comprehensive waste management services

TIMEPRESS s.r.o. – IS and SW development

"We know what we do, give us a try."